Get Your Healthcare Certificate Today for Only $249

Chronic Health Certificate Training

In your profession, do your clients ask for help with the same few things...anxiety, fatigue, fear, and depression? A 2017 University of Minnesota research study showed a reduction in anxiety, depression, and fatigue for people with chronic health conditions.

Natalie Lu, Master of Science degree in Nursing/Health Care Education shares Meditative Movements at in person safety huddles to nurses, nursing assistants, health unit coordinators, and physicians. Often, she is invited to bring one to three Meditative Movements to various meeting forums and staff education days.

She may have a dedicated 15–30-minute time slot to share the movements consecutively or might use three movements over the course of a 1-8 hour class. The movements give her another way to engage participants so they can feel freer to share and provide a new way for self-care.

How can you use the movements to enhance your lives and those you serve?

Investment Includes:

  1. Three hours of online training

  2. Access to videos and written directions of 5 Meditative Movements™

  3. Receive instructor guidebook

  4. Obtain Meditative Movement™ handouts you can share with clients

  5. Participate in 3 one hour practice sessions to expand your understanding and to embody the movements for your own self-care

  6. Ability to test out on movements so you can teach them versus using the videos and handouts. $50 test out fee.

  7. Certificate of Attendance Letter 3-7 CEU hours awarded based on completion of steps above

  8. Opportunity for ongoing professional development support

  9. Participation in an online community

November 7, 10:00 PST - 1:00 EST, adjust to your time zone

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